Thursday, August 24, 2017

Resume Killers

Some resumes kill themselves as soon as I open the document. Here's the list -

    • Capitals in the digital world represents SHOUTING. It's annoying to read and makes the resume hard to read.
  • Not bullet-ing your job responsibilities 
    • Long run on lines of print slows down my process. I have between 30 to 50 resumes to get through in a addition to the phone calls and interviews I have scheduled for that day. Give me a clear, easy to read bullet-ed list.
  • Give me the facts
    • Don't say you were the best salesman in the region, tell me your stats. I want to see exactly what you did to be the "best" salesman, technician, or office worker
  • Make your list count
    • I see a lot of resumes that just give me the name of the place you worked. Yeah? So what? Show me what you did there in that bullet-ed list. Think about your day to day tasks and start there. Show me your skills
  • Don't forget your dates
    • If you list where you worked with no dates I have no idea if you worked there two days or two years. Show me you have staying power in the jobs
Next up? The phone call and how important it is in getting that job.