Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Resume Killers

What stops the Recruiter from reading your resume? Here's the top reasons they toss you in the "No Thank You" pile. 

Not Capitalizing Your Name
     I've seen this too many times. Name in all lower case, first name capitalized and last name lower case. I really need people who can at least write their name correctly. This shows lack of basic skill or just a total disregard for the job. If you really wanted it, you'd actually read what you wrote before sending it to me.

Grammar or Spelling Mistakes
     Come on! We all have spell check today. There's no reason for this except that you threw something together quickly and didn't care. I need people who won't embarrass us in front of our customers. I want people who know the little things count.

No Company Name
    You say you were an administrative assistant from January 2015 to July 2017 but don't give a name of the company where you worked. So, I'm thinking either you didn't really have a job, or there's a reason you don't want me to know where you worked.

Job Hopping
     If you were only at each job two months at a time a red flag goes up. Why were you moving around so much? Were you fired or do you repeatedly quit? Either way I'm done.  If you were working for a temp agency, put that down. Let me know the reason you had to move so often. If the reason is good, I'll understand.

Keep these things in mind and go update that resume. The jobs are out there. Your resume is the first thing companies see so make it a good one. Sell your skills and experience.
Good luck in that job search!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Phone Interviews - Why do they do this?

Phone interviews can be scary for the candidate, but can translate so much information to the recruiter. Yes, it can catch a person off guard, but that's not why we do it. I liked your resume, but know that it's almost impossible to put everything on a page or two. Maybe I want more information on something or just want to talk about what you are expecting from possible employment. Don't panic. If you're qualified and a good fit, you'll do fine.

First thing I ask is if the person has time to talk. What I really mean is; are you working now and maybe don't want to talk where your present employer can hear? It's okay to call me back. I understand.

Depending on your resume and cover letter, I might ask;

What are your responsibilities where you work now?

How do you handle challenges at work?

What do you know about our company?

Where do you want to be in five years?

Why do you want to leave your present job?

Or if you are presently unemployed; How did you leave your last job?

Do you have any questions for me?

There are no magic answers. Be honest. Think about it, you want this new job to be the perfect fit for you, too.

Depending on the answers, my schedule, and how many other "great" resumes I'm calling that day, I might ask you to come in. Sometimes I just put you in the "good possibility" pile to get back to after I make all my calls.  Or after my training schedule next week, or maybe I'm going to be out for a few days. Recruiting is an ongoing adventure. Sometimes I put you on the bench. It's a file that I might not need right at this moment but I really liked the resume so I'm saving you for that perfect job that sooner or later will open up.

When you get a phone interview remember;

  1. Go to a quiet place where you can talk without interruption
  2. Stay calm 
  3. Think about your answers  
  4. Be honest
  5. Be polite
  6. Make sure you know where you sent your resume
  7. Don't be afraid to ask if you can call back later
Good luck with your job search! 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Resume Review

A hundred resumes in my inbox. 

I look at them all. It takes hours so I have a system.  

First; Divide into job categories by job type.  We hire for multiple positions. I pick one job category and get going. 

Second; Now, with one job in hand, I scan resume before looking at cover letter. I have to see the facts. If the experience and skills aren't there, the cover letter probably won't help. 

Third; Print the possibilities.  I know not every one will be an exact match, so I probably print more than I'll need. But aside from the exact match, I'm looking for that diamond in the rough. The one that might have experience in other kinds of jobs that could transfer into what I'm looking for in the employee for this job. 

Fourth; Now from the 100 resumes, I'm probably down to 40 or 50. These I read, highlight, put question marks on, and circle facts to narrow down to the best. Here I'll read the cover letters. Yes, the right cover letter could sway me. Cut the fluff, just tell me why you're the best match.

Fifth: Now I might have 25 good ones. I put them in order from great to good and start making phone calls to do a short phone interview. 

That the first hurdle in hiring. Next up will be that Oh So Important; Phone interview.